Did you miss my LinkedIn message?
First, I want to thank everyone who responded to yesterday’s email.
So far, 47 raving fans have replied with advice.
Here’s yesterday’s email in case you missed it.
On to today’s fun and games.
LinkedIn is rolling out lots of new “features.”
Let’s start with personalized invitations.
My friend Melonie Dodaro, who wrote the Foreword for my best selling book, Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business Third Edition, said LinkedIn is going to limit personalized invitations to only 10 per month.
This means you need to upgrade to LinkedIn Premium if you want to send more than 10 customized invitations per month.
Will this cut down on LinkedIn spam?
I hope so.
I bet you love receiving messages on LinkedIn.
Every day I receive at least 50 LinkedIn messages with irresistible offers from strangers.
I know I could turn off messages, but LinkedIn is my primary source of business, so I need to use messaging.
Today, I received a message in my personal email from LinkedIn.
“Catch up on last week’s unread messages”
Are you kidding me?
I try to ignore my LinkedIn sales pitches, and now LinkedIn reminds me to read them.
LinkedIn is also revamping our inbox again.
Currently, we have our Focused Inbox and Other Inbox on LinkedIn.
If you use Sales Navigator, you have an Inbox there.
Soon, your Company Page will have an Inbox.
Stop the madness LinkedIn.
I have enough trouble keeping up with Facebook messages, Facebook Page messages, my company email, my personal email, and other social media inboxes.
If you want to message me, send it to ted@tedprodromou.com
I’ll share the other LinkedIn updates in another message.
I’ve rambled long enough.
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And if you’d like to learn more about me and the work I do, then go here: www.TedProdromou.com