The Real Reason I Sent Fewer Emails This Year
In 2023 I sent 300+ emails.
In 2024, I sent less than 100 emails.
Why the significant decrease?
A couple of private clients keep me busy so I stopped doing short-term client work.
The real reason?
I’m struggling with some nasty long COVID issues including brain fog and fatigue.
Since I cut back on my client work, I’m working on something new that may interest you.
Here’s a taste of what I’m working on…
Our CEO proudly announced record revenues for the fourth year in a row.
Revenue jumped from $25M to over $150M per year.
The next day, my boss called me into his office.
“I’m sorry we have to let you go.”
After the shock wore off, anger, frustration, and fear crept in.
I was embarrassed to tell my wife and friends the cruel reality.
The cruel reality is it’s nearly impossible to keep a high-paying, corporate job when over 50, even if with stellar performance.
There was no going back to a corporate job because they didn’t want me.
I was at a crossroads as a high-performing employee for over 30 years who aged out of his career.
Retirement is an option, but I’m not finished.
I found a new purpose.
I turned 30+ years of knowledge and experience into a part-time consulting practice.
Working two to four hours a day replaced my corporate salary.
I’ve been traveling the world.
I ski, hike, bike, and enjoy the hell out of life.
I hang out with my grandkids (the best job in the world).
This is NOT the time to slow down.
I call it the Epic Encore Lifestyle.
Encore is not the end.
The Encore period of your life is your chance to pursue long-held dreams or new ventures.
It’s a chance to apply your vast knowledge and experience to define your legacy.
The transition from corporate can be challenging when you don’t have a roadmap.
The good news…
You don’t have to figure it out by yourself.
I’m on this path today and documenting my journey so you can create your own Epic Encore Lifestyle.
You’ll also be able to tap into the massive amount of shared experiences by our vetted members.
Epic Encore is an exclusive online community that connects successful professionals over 50 who want to share their skills and collaborate on projects.
This could include anything from business consulting, tech tutoring, and marketing guidance, or hands-on creative work.
The aim is to foster an environment where experienced professionals can trade expertise, learn from each other, or partner up on small projects.
Meeting new people and sharing your expertise ignites a fire in you.
It allows you to accomplish your life’s biggest dreams.
Remember, this is NOT the time to slow down.
Your story is just getting good.
Let’s do this.
Originally published at